Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Right Idea, Maybe Just Look in an Alternative Direction?

My response is to the post titled "Bus Stop Reforms" on Bluebonnet Politics, by the amazing Miss Mireille Blond.

Mireille, in my opinion what the problem is with the public transit here in Austin, is that there is not enough options to avoid all the traffic.  Every morning, I see the buses still sitting in the exact same traffic that I find myself in, trying to get to their next stop.  If Austin would invest in a true underground subway and or monorail system that offers significantly more stops and range, instead of just going in a (practically) straight line, they would find that traffic would drastically decrease and improve.  Maybe the city could offer some type of incentives to get people to try it out and see that
it is the way to go?  I truly feel that if proposed and presented in the right way, that the people
of Austin wouldn't mind a little bit of extra money to go towards this, instead of adding in all these
toll roads that few people actually take on a regular basis.  Here is a link to the differences in light rail (what we have in Austin currently) vs. Monorail (what I propose would be one of the better alternatives).

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