Monday, November 2, 2015

Time to Attack Illegal Immigration Like a Juggernaut!!!

     As a child, my mother always used to say the expression,”Sh*t or get off the pot!”  Well, that’s exactly what Texas needs to do with their stance and “solution” to the immigration issue!  What I mean by this is that if they don’t want people to come here illegally, then they need to buckle down and stop making it as easy for them to come and stick around.  In other words, no public assistance, no education, no using the baby to gain legal status, no free insurance or free medical treatment if you came here illegally!  If politicians, citizens, and business owners all want to gripe about the illegal immigrants, they need to be willing to let go of the “cheap, under the table labor” that they provide so that they can send the money back to their families.  They all need to understand that they cannot have their cake and eat it too!  Either stand all the way for it, or all the way against it.  Not in the middle, because “standing in the middle” or hanging around “on the fence” leaves too much room for failure, chaos, interpretation, and grey areas all around!  
     While I say to myself, “That’s jacked up!” about the situation with the withholding of the birth records, I have to say… I get it!  I understand why they are doing it and I think they may be on to something with the concept.  However, I think they may be going about it the wrong way.  Maybe they could give it to them on their successful departure from this country?  Just a thought. 
     This whole “issue” is a huge snowball, soon becoming an avalanche that I could not begin to address all aspects, angles, or sides of it even if I tried.  However, I will say that there are definitely answers to any and all problems that can be thrown in the mix.  I get that there is crime and poverty in all these other countries, I really do!  But… there is all that going on here without adding to it.
     Where do I stand on immigration?  Well, I am against any and all illegal immigrants from all countries and of all ages.  I find it rather ridiculous that pregnant women come here illegally, or to “visit” and (conveniently) give birth to their baby while on American soil.  To make matters worse, it is allowed in a sense.  I also find it rather disgusting that “mothers” are using their babies as a golden ticket to citizenship!  This needs to be stopped Texas!  Somehow, someway!  Dare I say, if you are pregnant you cannot come “visit” until after the baby is born, and then with a Visa perhaps?
     Do I agree with the pathway to citizenship?  Hell no!  The way I see it… if you came here illegally, why should you be rewarded with what you ultimately came here to achieve?  That is just the stupidest thing I have EVER heard of!  That’s just like rewarding a bank robber by giving him all the money he just illegally took from a bank.  And for what?  All because he wanted it bad enough to go about it illegally, instead of working his ass off to earn the money and be deserving of it? 
     The reasons I don’t agree with illegal immigration are endless, and I could go on and on.  However, just to focus on a few… crime rates are bad enough without bringing the crime from other countries to the US to add to it all.  Examples are given in reports from the Texas Department of Public Safety, one in particular is from the 11th of September, 2014 Titled “Summary of Significant Border Incidents” and again on Breitbart, dated 6/8/2014.
     Other reasons I am anti-ILLEGAL immigration is well, for many reasons which I conveniently found beautifully summed up on a site called Americans For Legal Immigration PAC.  The few short points that I found to summarize a big portion of my views against illegal immigration are as follows:

 “Millions of American citizens are out of work or unable to find a job because we have 12-20 million illegal aliens in America due to politicians like Obama supporting illegal immigration instead of protecting Americans.  A historic number of Americans have lost their jobs and lost their homes due to foreclosure because of illegal immigration. Less desirable jobs that Americans would take to provide for their families are either held by illegal immigrants or the flood of illegals have depreciated wages so low that an American cannot make ends meet working in those lost jobs!  ALIPAC estimates that illegal immigrants are stealing over $125 Billion worth of American taxpayer resources each year. Illegal immigrants are in our country against the wishes of American citizens. They are breaking our laws and yet as taxpayers we are forced to pay for their education, their healthcare needs, increased infrastructure to handle their presence in our land, and increased costs in our courts and prisons.  And when American citizens need these taxpayer resources, we find illegal immigrants filling our emergency rooms, classrooms, and courthouses demanding that we speak their language and provide free interpreters for them!  All across America, our suffering citizens are standing in lines in grocery stores trying to make ends meet and barely able to feed their children while watching illegal immigrants use food stamps and welfare to benefit their families ahead of us!”  “And then there are the terrible crimes that are committed by illegal aliens on American soil.”
     In the end, the bottom line is that I know that the US will take a loss temporarily for the exportation of current and prevention of further illegals, however all of that money will be made up in no time through the CITIZENS of this country, and would even out when you outweigh the money not being spent on them while here illegally!  In order for things to be “fixed” and put to a halt as peacefully as possible, certain precautions, safety measures, and compassion will need to be extended on behalf of the US, and many things to end this problem cannot be put in place without other measures being put into place first.  However, if we are going to put a firm stop to all of this madness, then it needs to be a plan that is drawn out, with everyone on the same page and will need to be done with haste so that there are no gaps, leaving less chance for failure or error. 

     Let me say in the end that I really am not a heartless person, I just feel that everyone needs to go about things the right way to get what they want and if they don’t then no mercy needs to be shown!  If you are willing to break the law to get here, what other laws are you willing to break when in a state of disparity?  The really sad thing is that unfortunately there are children that get innocently involved and directly affected, no matter how you handle the situation.  I also believe that countries (especially the US) need to quit depending on the people and resources of other countries!  Keep to ourselves/themselves, and depend on NO ONE!   

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